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Thank You Father "YahWeh-Alpha-Omega-God" For Touching Mi Life And Saving Me in 2005, 2012 ,2015, And Again I Bow Down: For You Reign For Eternity:

09:53: 50am
17 August 2019


To You Abba, Father Of #Nalani {Alpha N Omega-God N Jesus Christ}:

Let This Be Another Testimony of Life{Keola}:

I Was Listning, Father To Mi Christian Music In Mi Ears, Like I Do Everynight And EveryDay, And Father As I Woke This Was Playing In Mi Ears, And Of Course, In A None Continuous Loop,{OCD} Father, A Flood Of Emotions Rushed Thru Mi Body, Your Spirit Overtook Mi House And Room, I Felt You Father, And All I Could Say, Yes Father, Yes In Da Name of Jesus Christ. Like Right, Now Im At Da Library And Father, Im Tryin Not To Cry, But Father, You Have Been So Good To Me, You Saw Me At Me At Mi Lowest Father, You Saw Me When I Lost Mi Sanity-Due To Abuse,After Neglect, After Abuse Induced By No Medical /Physical  & Mental Help Father. I Was Reaching Out But, Like You Said, Father {Few Would Make It To #Heaven, And I Understand Now,} Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find itI Understand It Now Father, I Understand It  Many Years Ago{2015-2004}: Thank You Father I Had To Go Thru It, To Find You, And Now Im Crying Father, At This Damn Library, Because, Father, I Was So Hurt, By Everyone In Mi Life At Those Times In Life, You Knew Da Pain, I Was Going Thru At Da Time, PTSD! I Think The Year, Was 2003,{Siezures} or So Yes Father That Was Very Traumatic For Keola, He Was Kicked Out To Da Streets, And Had No Supportive Family, No Love, To Help Care For His Needs, Emotional  Nor Mental. Father It Was Hard To Find You Real In Mi Life, Or Grasp The Significance Of Mi Situation, The Emotional Pain, Was So Hard To Handle, And Father, I Did not Understand At Da Time, Y I Had To Go Thru That Storm, And Y Did I Have To Carry That Rugged Cross, But I Was So Young Even If You Would Have Told Me, I Would Have Not Understood Your Plan For Keola, {Life}. I Was Carrying Father A Lot Hurt, At Da Time, Rejection, Abandonment, Neglect, Low-Self Esteem, Struggling With Social Interactions{Agoraphobia} With Society, Because of Da Way You Made Me, {Gay}. Thank You Father You Must Think Da World Of Me To Give Me Such A Load To Carry, And Yet Im Abled Only Thru You Father, and Jesus Christ, I Would not Be Alive Testifiying Here In 2019 And Carrying Mi New Cross, Because I Traded That Old Rugged Cross, For A New One That You Polished For Me, Not To Be Stained Again, Because I Understand Father, How Much You Love Me, And I Love Me Not For Giving Up In 2015, When You Came To Mi Rescue Father, I Love You And Yes Father, I Devote This Life,-Keola Only To You And Jesus Christ, For You Restoreth My Soul, Mind, Body, and Health. Please Take Mi Hand And Walk Me Down Da Aisle, I Do Father, Take Mi Hand Jesus Christ I Do For As Long As You Grant Me Life{Keola} On This Earth Till You Call Me Home{Nalani} I Never Questioned Who You Made Me, I Questioned Theze Humans, And Y They Where So Concerned About Who I Have Sex With, That's All They Seem to Focus On, When It Came To Who Made Me {Gay} But Father, Riddle Me This Y Is None Anyone's Business Who Have A {Gay} Life{Dr. Daniel John Ford Padilla 2005-Mi Stud} With Soon, I Never Understood It, And Probably Never Will, With These Humans Here On Earth! Could You Make Them Change In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, You Said If I ask it In Your Sons Precious Name, Then Its Shall Come To Pass, So Father, Make Thoze Mountians, Move In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, I Believe In You and Jesus Christ, Mi Savior Who Loved Me, So Much And Said, This is Mi Son Keola, I Will Heal Him, For He is Loved And I Will Never Kick Him Out Mi Kingdom{Heaven}, For He Is Redeemed Sinner Saved by Gace And Mercy, And Saved {1988} By Da Precious Blood of Jesus Christ: All I Wanted Father, Was To Live With You & Jesus Christ, Seriously I Never Wanted To Ever  Be Surrounded Again, By Humans, But There Wuz A Point In This Story That I Was Missing, You Was Trying To Speak To Me, Father Forgive Me,  I Had To Surrender And Surrender Completely, I Had To Open Mi Heart Completely And Let You Do Your "Will",  And That Happened in 2015, When You Breathed Da Life {Keola} Back Into  #Nalani, So To God Be Da Glory, Father You Completely Changed Mi Perspective And Insight On How To Look, On Mi Past Hurt And Trauma, Yes Those Where Painful Experience, But You Father You, Wuz  There To Give Me Food, Shelter, Providing A 'WAY out Of "NO WAY", So For No One To Say You Don't Reign, Is A Fool, And I Pity Them. All I Want To Praise You Father, Each And Everyday and Night, I Know You Sent Me Back To This Earth For A Specific Design{Lead-Lincoln}, And I Know Your Call On My Life, Is Strong I Feel It And I Submit To It. You Made Me Strong, You Made Me A Leader-Lincoln, You Made Me Kind, You Made Me Brave, You Made Me A Survivor, You Made Me Fighter{Bull} You Made Me A Man Full Of Integrity, You Made Me An Alpha Male Christian Tauras Jock All in Your #Gay Image since 4 21 1983: {Dominion}:Nothing Of Man Can Stand In The Way The Word Of God, For I Stand On The Promises of God, And It Will Come To Pass: All Glory To Jesus Christ Who Stands With Keola{Life} Nalani Kanoa Padilla Lincoln 4 A Reason: For Keola Bows Down In The Presence Of His Father "Yahweh", & Jesus 4 Eternity and Eternal! I lift YOU UP FATHER, I LIFT YOU JESUS CHRIST AND KEEP RISING FOR YOU REIGN ABOVE DA MOST HIGH, #MELICHIZEDEK



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