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Keola Is Going To Heaven: His Home- Nalani

16:08:45 pm
09 September 2019


For When Da Time Comes, When Mi Father, And Lord Cometh To Say, Keola Im Ready For You To Finish What I Wrote IN Your Life, I Know I Am Going #To Heaven, Y I Am A Child Of God, A Gay Child Of God And Saved Since #1988 In Da Name of Jesus Christ! I Have Already Died 3x& #Reborn Physically/Spiritually, So Death Does Not Scare Me Anymore. I Know Mi Father, Is Protecting And Leading Me All Da Way To Heaven, Mi Home, Where I Will Be At {#REST} I Was Sent Back To Earth{2015}To finish, What Mi Father Pre-Destined And Ordained For Me And Designed Me To Achieve , Since Da Beginning Of Time: 04: 21: 1983 {Domain} Lead~ Gen. XY! I Believe This Man Has Some Good Valid Points, But I Have Been Thru Most Of Theze Realms, And Yes They Are Real, So A lot Of Theze Humans Need To REPENT AND CHANGE THEIR WAYZ, OR ELSE THE BOTTOM PICTURE THEY GO!

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