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Father-Abba {Alpha N Omega-God/ YahWeh N Jesus Christ} Dis World Yours, All Made To Be Yourze, I Bow Down All Mighty Powerful and All Knowing, I Bow Down And You Reign Forever and Eternity: Claim It Father!


20 August 2019
11:18:10 am

To You Abba-Father: {Alpha N Omega-God N Jesus Christ}

This World Is All Yours, And I Know You Love All; All Your Children That Stand With You and Jesus Christ Only. I KnowYou Laid Down Your Life, To Give Your Son Life, In Return That The World Will Be Saved, And Not Condemn, You Didn't Make Mistakes, You Made You Humans That, Made A Lots Of Them, But That What Makes Us Human and Not You. There Is Not One Perfect Example, But Jesus Christ Mi Savoir Who Loves Me #Keola So Much, And Healed I Be In His Name, I Believed In And Will Never Forget The Pain And Sacrifice He Shed For Me, To Stand Today And Claim It Over And Over And Over Till I See You Again, Father In Heaven. Keep Moving Father, Move And Like You Said This Earth is Jesus Christ Footsool, Let #Thy Word Come To Pass, I #Da Tauras Party Leader, Gay Christian Alpha Man Jock Represents You, Like I  Was Going To Do, Father Its Not Over Till You Say Its Over, So I Believe In It! Flip Thoze Chapters And Change This World, To Let All Your Gay Jock Christian Brothers Dominate This Earth, And Correct And Change This World, To Better Your Kingdom Here On Earth As It Is In Heaven{Nalalni}: You Moved Me From Death To Life and Back Again, So Help Me Father. #I Will Trust And Obey Your Word and Guidance!


Your Gay{Keola}

Alpha Disciple Keola Nalani Kanoa Padilla

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