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Father{Alpha N Omega-God-YahWeh N Jesus Christ} I Believe You Are Mi Truth, MI Light, MI LIfe: Since You Made Me: Gay In 4 21 1983: I Bow Down, Father & Praise You Abba! Thank You! I Praise Your Holy Name!


06 July 2019
10: 28: 49 am

To Mi Father{ Alpha N Omega-God YahWeh N Jesus Christ}

Thank You For, Making Me Believe In #Life Again {Keola} I Have Been Reading Mi Bible Like You Have Been Guiding Me To Du So, And Yes I Know Its Bi No Mistake, For You Said Father, If I Seek Ye 1st Da Kingdom Of God, Then All Theze Thangs Shall Be Added Unto Keola, So I Believe In It: This Is All For Your Glory, Father. Im Learning Alot About Your Truth, Yes I Have Been Lied To A Lot In Da Past, But Now I Have Da Truth, And Its Dat You Love Me And I Am Suppose To Share Da Love You Have For Me With All That May Despise Me, For We All Sinned{Sinners} And Come Short Of Your Glory Father, And I Know I Am Not Perfect, But You Didnt Make Me Dat Way, You Made Me Keola, Just Keola! I Have Never  Wanted To Be Perfect I Just Wanted To Be Loved And Showed Sum Affection Without Any False Pretense, Not Abused, and Not To Be Harmed. I Know Father, This is Part Of Mi Story{Life}, And Yes I Have Accepted It, But It Dose not Mean I Have To Stand For It. Father, #Ptsd Is Very Difficult To Deal With, But Because I Believe In You And Jesus Christ, There Is Not A Day, I Don t Feel Blessed To Able To Thank You, And I Fall To Mi Knees, For All You Have Done For Me In Mi Life, Father You Brought Me From A Mighty Long Way{Fought All Mi Battles}, And Yet More To Go{Race Not Finished}, So To Your Name Be All Da Glory Father, I Praise Your Name Every Morning and Before I Go to Bed And Rise In Da Morning, For I Know, "You Are Da Way, Da Truth, Da Light, And Da Life-of Keola" I Have Always Believed In You Jesus Christ, Since I Wuz At Da Age of 5 in 1988, in Norfolk Virginia And You Made Me Da Man{Age: 36} I Am Today, Thank You Jesus Christ. I Bow Down In Your Precious Name and Lift You Up{Epsilon}, And I Will Bear Mi Cross With No Shame In Dis Game, To Claim Gay Christianity Jock, Y Its Da Way Father, Made Me And I Believe In Keola Again, Never To Look At Hiz Dead Past Again, Itz In Da Grave And Yes Father Im At Peace With It, You Made Me {Alpha} #Strong  #Leader And I Accept: Align All Da Right  Christian Humans That Will Help{Him} Into Hiz Destiny To Further Your Kingdom{Alpha N Omga Llc. Kp Dp} In Heaven As It Is #Heaven On Earth. For You Said, Father That Keola Can Du All Thangs Thru Jesus Christ, Your Son, Which Guides, Protects, And Loves Me, and Strengthens Me.............Philippians 3:14 reviesed kp   {I BELIEVE}



Father, Bless This Artist And Dis Whole Group In All They Du: As They Touched #Nalani As He Walked And Jogged And Sprint-ted{Mainly Walked Asthma}  His 6 miles  in Total, I Listened To It On Mi Fav. Station 88.5 {Life}{KCMO} This Song Keeps Resonating In Mi Spirit, Thank You! I Feel You Father, Keep Leading Me, You Know I Am Trusting And Obeying Only U! Itz Da Way You Made Me, Thank You, I Follow, This Heart Is Open And Mind Is Focused & Set On You, Because Of Your Mercy Set Me Free, Thank You Father{Abba} I Love You So Much For Blessing Me Beyond Words! Been Mi Provider Thru All Lowest Lows, Thank You And I Lift You Up, You Brought Da Life{Keola} Back To Nalani{Heaven}, Thank You, I Lift You Up Agian Father, For You Reign Above All! Thank You For Showing Me How To Love Humans Again, Now Trust They Will Have To Earn, But Love I Will Do, Because You Love Me and And You Made {Me} and Made {Them}, So You Make {No Mistakes} In Your Plans. If Jesus Suffered For Me, What Is A Little Pain In Da 36  Years Of Mi Life. I Can Take All Da Pain Father, Y Because You Made Me Strong And At Da End Of Theze Storms Comes Your Son To Take Mi Pain All Away, IN DA NAME OF JESUS CHRIST BECAUSE OF MI OF MI FAITH {I BELIEVE}!

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