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Only "You" Can Father-"Heal Me/Forgive Me/ Reedem Me/ Judge Me": "Abba" : "Alpha N Omega -God N Jesus Christ " - Keola Bows Down


01 Oct. 2019
2:50 am

To Father: Abba: {Alpha N Omega-God N Jesus Christ}

Father, Thank You For Fighting For Mi Life In 2005, 2012, & 2012,: You Fought For Mi Soul As Well, Father I Bow DownOnly You Could Redeem, Father I Had So Many #Seizures I Can not Count, But Father You Restored, Me, You Healed Me In Da Name Of Jesus Christ , I Bow Down, I Give You All Da Praises. I Know You Where Fighting For Me, It Brings Me To Tears Father, And Humbles Me, And Yes, You Are Unstoppable, Da Unstoppable "King" Of "Nalani".  Father I  Believe In Your Power+ And Grace+ And Your Mercy+, Im Your Prime Example: God, Thank You, Sir I Didn't Realize All Thoze, Yearz 1988-2015, Your Tender Hand Was At Work, Molding Me And Protecting Me And Even Tho, I Had To Go Thru All #Thoze Vallies Of Death, Father You Wuz There, Glory To You Father, Glory To You, " Yahweh", There Was No Else Bringing Me Back From Death, But You And Yes, I Remember Thoze Events, And Even Thoze Memories Were Sad And Hard To Endure, But You Want Me To Remember You Amazing Power And Miracles Worked In " Mi LIfe" So Yes I Testify In Da Name Of Jesus Christ, MI Savior Over Mi Deaths, "Only You CanI Lift My Hand To To Da Un-Stoppable "King of  Mi Heart & Soul" , You See Far Past Things I Cant See, So I Put Mi Trust And Faith In Your Forever, Like I Have Always!  I Trust And Obey You Father!


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#421 Life

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Only "You" Can Father-"Heal Me/Forgive Me/ Reedem Me/ Judge Me": "Abba" : "Alpha N Omega -God N Jesus Christ " - Keola Bows Down

#Alpha421 01 Oct. 2019 2:50 am Tuesday To Father: Abba : {Alpha N Omega-God N Jesus Christ} Father, Thank You For Fighting For ...

On Da "Cloud" He Will Come-Da Kingdom Of YahWeh Is Nearing