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27 June 2019
9:35:51 am


Thankyou Father, For Being Mi Rock of Ages For Eternity, You Know I Bow Down, and I Praise Your Name Each And Every Day, Y I Know I Have Been Blessed And Truly Can Say I Love You For Love And Grace And Mercy. Father Let Me Hide Me Hide My Self In Thee. You Healed Me In Da Name of Your Precious Son Name Jesus Christ! And I Believe You Made Me Special{Gay} In Your Design Since 4 21 1983! Sorry Father It Took So Long To Realize How Unique I Wuz,I Had To Undue A lot Trauma, That Humans Did To Me From 1992-2015, But In Da Name of Jesus Christ I Made It, Just Like Jesus Did on Da Cross As He Died on Da Cross For My Sins, Thank You Jesus For Covering My Sins, And Giving Me Salvations, And Setting My Feet Back On Da Path of Righteousness! Now I Stand On Solid Ground Never To Be Shaken, My Faith Strong! Thank You Father, You Did Not Leave Me, But Help Me Be A Better Christian Man! I Believe In Keola Again And I Will Never Let A Human Being Make Him Fell Worthless, Because He Is A Chilld Of God, and Now A Man Of God Matured, To God Be All Da Glory-Who Leads Me Since Da Age 1988 {5}  Norfolk Virginia {Saved}


Father{Alpha N Omega-God/ YahWeh/Jesus Christ} Your Greater, Above All on Earth & Universe, For all Will Bow Down!


19 June 2019
09: 47: 52 am

To Mi Father{Alpha N Omega-God/ YahWeh N Jesus Christ}

I Trust In You, Like I Have Always, And Will, I Will Not Submit To Human! I Claim You Till I Live Again and Again I Live, You Gave Me Mi Life, and Only You Can Take It, For I Seek Refuge You In You Jesus Christ, You Took Da Fall For Me, Above All And Was Crucified For Me, Thank You and I Bow Down and Honor You, For You Are Mi Lord And Savior and Master, There Will Be None Other, I Swear! Father Protect Me, I Serve You Everyday, I Pray To Your Holy Name, That Will Be Done In Mi Life, For I Align With Your Righteous Wayz, I lift You up Above All Father, I Lift You Up Above All Kings, You are MI GOD, Da Head Of Mi Life! Keep Leading Me, And Mi Faith Is Strong Father, Lift Me Up!   to be continued..............................

Psalms 23

Da Lord is Mi Shepard I Shall Not Want, He Makes Me Lieth Down in Green Pastiures. He Leadz Me Besides Still Waters He Restoreth Mi Soul. He Leadz Me In Da Path Of Righteouness For His Name Sake Even Thoe I Walk Through All Valleies  of Shawdoez of Death I Keola Will Fear No Evil For Da Lord Thy God Is With Me For Eternity. Thy Rod And Staff Comfort Me. Sobeit

"Life Speaking 3x"

Only "You" Can Father-"Heal Me/Forgive Me/ Reedem Me/ Judge Me": "Abba" : "Alpha N Omega -God N Jesus Christ " - Keola Bows Down

#Alpha421 01 Oct. 2019 2:50 am Tuesday To Father: Abba : {Alpha N Omega-God N Jesus Christ} Father, Thank You For Fighting For ...

On Da "Cloud" He Will Come-Da Kingdom Of YahWeh Is Nearing